Gardening-friendly Community
Active adult living is embracing Green Thumbs.
Moving to an Active Adult community doesn't mean leaving your garden behind. From herbs and vegetable gardens to the dazzle of colorful flowers, communities are becoming adorned with resident-involved gardens. When exploring a property, consider box gardens and courtyard gardens, as well access to patio planters and even greenhouses. Whether for physical therapy or simply enjoying nature, gardening is quickly becoming a must-have for boomers moving to Active Adult residences.
Gardening enthusiasts share one or more of the following preferences in Active Living:
Reflect Lifestyle​
Green or open-space surroundings
Engage Socially
Gardening, bird-watching or other outdoor
Secure Wellbeing
Quiet lifestyle
If you're an garden lover, consider the following when evaluating the best Active Living fit for you. Of items important to you, which ones are offered by the community?
Staff help to manage gardens
Herb garden
Pathways adorned with flowers and shrubbery
Potted plants
Safe gardening (tools, gloves)
Window boxes with flowers
Outdoor living space
Benches within gardening areas
Seed-to-table philosophy
The communities and providers below get gardening right. Though they may not be your city/state of preference, take a peek at what they offer. It may help you visualize what Active Living can look like for those of us who flourish in greenery!
Check these out!
Garden-friendly communities are found more-and-more in Assisted Living, as the industry has recognized a multitude of benefits for its residents.
Benefits to You
Eco Garden Systems notes that gardening is the number 1 hobby in America. Even better, healthcare professionals tout the benefits of gardening. Among those, top benefits are:
Increase exercise levels to burn calories
Strengthen muscles
Boost vitamin D levels / immunity
Reduce stress
Improve critical thinking skills
Foster sense of community
Improve quality of life
Generate a sense of purpose
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